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What to say...

When there is nothing to say

I am feeling very unmotivated these days. Not for lack of interest, but for lack of perceived opportunities. I am cramming my schedule full, but don't have a lot of forward trajectory to show for it. I feel adrift in the sea of ideas, nothing to really cling to as I float along. I don't want to only "float along", I want to take control, direct my ship, forge into unknown territory, make my mark...

I feel a need to be doing something, but I don't know what that something is. I have made it to the first stages of becoming an educator, but that seems to be stalled out a bit. Not sure what to do while I wait for the next stage. My hair career is doing decently well, but I want to focus in on the activities I enjoy. My book is still sitting in the wings waiting to be written. There is so much time in the day to do things and, yet, not enough time to do anything at all. 

I have no reasons or excuses, I am only trying to make a little sense out of my current situation. I thank you for taking the time to read this little piece. I can feel a sense of satisfaction for having created something to stay consistent in my blog. I look forward to returning to regular programming.