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The only way is forward

Making progress in my career

I have decided to change my point of view. Last week I shared all of the things that have felt like they have stagnated. I was wandering adrift in the semi-pessimistic attitude about my situation. I realize that I was in a certain spot mentally, but I am ready to shift my focus and stop making excuses.

First point of order is do something each day that gets me that little amount closer to my goals. Today I am writing in my blog. I also attended a meeting of Matrix Artistic Educators and a class for La Influencia Matrix(the classes are in Spanish). I am participating in the online education that is available to me. At least as much as my schedule will allow. That is the only drawback of the opportunities made available, so many choices, only so many hours in the day.

School is going well and I am feeling optimistic that I can balance my studies with my profession. I am still working toward attaining a doctorate in anthropology, that way I can have a bit more academic weight to my book. Speaking of my book, I have begun the process of writing it just a little. One step at a time. There is so much to discover about the history of hairdressing and I think I could "rabbit hole" on the subject endlessly. 

As for work, I am evaluating my price structure and determining what will work the best for me and my time. I have so many wonderful clients that I truly enjoy my time behind the chair. My craft is my joy. I feel I must pay more attention to those moments that bring joy, rather than looking for the downsides and drawbacks. I can't imagine not doing hair, so I need to make it delightful every day. It is my responsibility to be responsible for myself and my feelings. 

I am ready to run towards my future success. I can't expect things to be handed to me. I am the captain of my own ship. I get to determine my destiny and wallowing in the pity pool isn't for me. I am here and making decisions that move me ever forward.