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Back to basics

Let's make it simple

I am tired. Not so much physically, but mentally. I have been far too busy doing too many things that I need to take myself back to why I started doing hair in the first place. I need to focus on the parts that truly bring me joy to do. "Marie Kondo" the daylights out of my career. 

There are certain things that I mentioned in a previous post (I'm not doing that... pub. 6/20) that I don't wish to do. Some for the reason that I don't feel skilled enough to provide a decent service, some for reasons of I dislike the service or the chemicals involved. I am more interested in giving someone the best of my abilities, rather than doing all the things just because I am a hairdresser. I want to be able to utilize my skillset and create a little magic.

For this reason, I am paring down my offerings. Both of service and of time. I am my own employer and I can decide what is the best balance for me. I will be focusing on the parts of my career that make me happy, that don't get me panicked when asked to do them. I will be more discriminating when accepting new clients. Also, I know a lot of great stylists who are willing to do the things I won't/can't. They all work in my salon and they can provide the level of service you deserve. 

I am tired of being tired and stressed. I am doing this for my mental stability. I hope that each of my clients will continue to join me on this new leg of the journey. Providing 5 star service in the niche I wish to occupy. I am also going to be spending more time on the education side of the industry. I am ready to find contentment with my profession.