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The customer is always right...

Until they are wrong

This is my motto at work and in my entire career. I would like to walk you through the scenarios in which the customer is, indeed, wrong.

This may seem a bit of a problem for some, if the customer is always right, how can they be wrong? It is merely a matter of taste for hairstyles and color choices, however the safety of your hair and misunderstanding of terms makes for a bit of a danger zone. When I am presented with a color idea and I know that it would compromise the integrity of the hair far too much, it is at that time that I must say that the customer is wrong. Not that I don't want to deliver a color that they would enjoy, but I want to make sure they still have hair on their head. When a person uses the wrong term to describe a haircut, they must be corrected, lest they end up with something they never intended. If a person shows me a photo for inspiration and it is not their type of hair, nor is the style "wash and go", they need to be informed of such. Just because you saw something on the internet, does not make you an expert in such matters. I feel it is my duty to inform a person when they are ill informed.

In each of the aforementioned scenarios I showed what is "wrong", but how do I go about making it "right"?

With any color service that might compromise the integrity of someone's hair, I carefully explain how it would potentially cause damage and even loss of length. I never tell them they are wrong, I just guide them to the options that will respect the integrity of the hair. If they insist upon having the service performed, I will have them sign a hold harmless waiver. That way if the service goes as potentially feared, they can only live with the consequences.

With terminology related issues, I choose to ask for a picture of what it is they are trying to describe. Not everyone knows the vocabulary when it comes to asking for a type of haircut. I am going to set out an example from a number of years ago. I had numerous ladies ask me to give them 3 layers. Now, they didn't actually want 3 layers, they wanted hair that was to be styled in 3 layers, it was very popular in the early 2000s. I didn't have the benefit of the "internet in your pocket" back then, so it was a lot of explaining as to how 3 layers look like 3 different lengths of bobbed haircuts. With our handy pocket devices it is a bit easier to convey information.

Lastly, with great expectations, e.g. wanting to have a celebrity's hair, I have to gently let someone down. When asking how much time they want to spend on their own hair is very important, because the picture shows me that it was styled heavily. The other part is, more than likely, the reference picture is nothing like their own hair. Many things are doable, but few people want to have to style their hair every day. Many times I ask what it is they like about the hairstyle and can find a way to incorporate that into their hair. 

The customer is always right, I just need to guide them occasionally.