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Running a business

Accepting that is what I am doing

I have had a fact pointed out to me. I am a business owner and I should act as such. It was a hard thing to hear. I had been floating along with the idea that hair is just "what I do" and not, necessarily, a business that I am running.

I had been of the mindset that I was doing what I want to do and running a business wasn't a part of that. I always looked at business ownership as something that other people do, I am too free spirited for that. Well, that attitude has led me to barely getting by for far too long. I was so concerned with only doing the things I liked, that I couldn't see that the other things were just as important. I wanted all the reward for none of the work. How did I think that the successful stylists got where they are? Everyone that I can think of has put in the work, doing walk-ins, boring activities, paperwork, running social media, socializing and putting themselves in to the public to be seen.

At this moment, I am working to redefine my role as the CEO of my salon. If I want the Coiffeuse Extraordinaire brand to get big, then I need to put in the work. I must be willing to do any project that comes along. I also need to look at social media as a tool to attract the kind of clients I want. I had been using it as a way to connect with the brands I use and with fellow stylists. That doesn't bring in the people. I am creating a content calendar to maximize my reach. Even if I am reposting old work, it can be good to get it out there. I need to decide what my "look" is for my brand. I have to see myself as a brand. What does Coiffeuse Extraordinaire stand for? I am learning.