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Reflecting on my work

Post travel thoughts

Having just been to my first in-person training, I thought I might share what I discovered and my feelings about those discoveries. It was nice to finally be able to meet a few of my fellow stylists and trainees face-to-face. A larger portion of them chose not to come for their own reasons. That made the whole experience interesting, as it became a hybrid learning environment. Those that could not join in person joined from Zoom. There were cameras set up to capture all of the activity.

I noticed that those of us that were there were all feeling quite similarly, in that we didn't feel like we really knew what was going on. We all kind of felt like we weren't ready, but in the end we actually were. To see that other people are feeling similar to yourself makes the process a bit easier. To know that we were all a bundle of nerves and butterflies helped immensely. We even found that all of our trainers were just a nervous. It was nice to see that I wasn't the only one in this position. 

I had the opportunity to present my very own class. It was on a pre-assigned subject, but it was my very own. I had to put together visuals and an activity for my "students" to be able to participate and understand the subject matter. I got a little artsy for my visuals and drew up a model of the end of a product box to demonstrate what the information was. Also, I forgot to bring any boxes of product with me. It was nice to see that I do really know what I am talking about. Now I have a little practice under my belt to be able to present in real world situations. 

It was a bit different, because we were all in training and, therefore, had all of the same information, but I can see how it will translate into the real world. This experience showed me how much I enjoy transferring knowledge to other people and I can hardly wait to be able to do it for part of my career.