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Currently travelling

Education on the move

When you read this, I will be in Nebraska taking my in person training for my educator position. I am both excited and nervous to be taking this step. It is a big moment. I will have the opportunity to show what I know and see if it is enough to be considered a real educator.

It has been a long time coming, but it is finally time to get my training completed. I am thrilled to be able to present a class for my fellow trainees. I am still vaguely unprepared to do the class. Not that I don't know my information, but that I am not sure about how to effectively do the class. I am supposed to be offering an activity for my students. I think I am using a bit of a fill in the blanks for this activity. Ask the class how they might formulate for the fictional scenarios. I hope it will be enough. I haven't made the time to do anything more complex. 

I look forward to being able to write about my experiences. I will try to record for social media as well. At least the parts that I can put out there.