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Playing with dolls

Re-sparking the flame

I have had an epiphany, I need to play with my dolls more. I have been very remiss in practicing the work that I do. I used to play with them all the time, but this year I have not had the wont to do it. I am working to add content to both my social media and my website. If I am not getting all the fun things out on real people, I have dolls to fill the blank spaces. Not to mention taking the opportunity to practice a style or a color technique.

I was in a bit of a funk this year and I didn't feel like playing too much. I am not sure if it seemed like too much trouble to pull one out and give it a style, or if I had moved too many supplies to my house and not left enough at the shop. I decided to take the tripod and other things back to the shop, so I can play with dolls in my downtime.

I plan to start doing more quick tips and little hints using the dolls to demonstrate what it is I am talking about. Plus, having good pictures of finished styles will help to have good content to share. And throughout this next year I plan to create more content. Provide something that I would like to see. What kind of content would I want to look at? This is what I am going to be working on in the coming year.

Re-sparking the flame of creativity that is the core of why it is I do what I do.