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It's finally time

Actually starting my training

During the past week I finally had the opportunity to attend my first phase of training for becoming a Matrix Artistic Educator. I am so glad that it has officially happened. I was supposed to be in Florida during March 2020, but obviously that wasn't able to take place. So, here I am, 15 months later, ready to truly undertake my educator journey.

Day one was all foundational. We discussed both the chemistry of hair color and color theory. We also conversed upon the topic of how to best present our information as fascilitators(instructors). This was such a good review, for me, of the very foundations of how the chemistry of color works. I also managed to find out some new information that I will be investigating further at the shop. I am also happy to have been prodded out of my comfort zone to try out some of the newest methods of educating, especially in an online capacity. 

Day two was practical. Methods of how Matrix uses their CRAFT* methodology to develop a solid foundation of education and practical skills. I am now aware of how Matrix chooses to operate as far as how to apply color and the like. There is going to be some growing pains, as I have 20 years of habit to dismantle. I had a real moment when I finally understood why they choose to fold foils in a particular fashion, and now I have to re-learn how to put foils in the hair. That is going to be a challenge, but I am determined to get it right. I, as a representative of Matrix, only want to present the information as they have determined is the best method to work in. 

I have even had homework to practice my skills as an educator in the online space. I also had to understand that, even though this is about education, it is about sales and guiding new and established customers in the latest products and techniques. I have recorded a little video about my opening presentation that has been posted to my YouTube channel.  I have to practice this opening, for both online and in person classes. If you want to see how I am progressing in my journey, you can watch some of my other videos. I also need to develop my social media presence. I have some feelings about this and I will be posting a new blog regarding such next week.

I am super excited to be this far in the pursuit of my educator goals. I can hardly wait to share with the world. Stay tuned for further adventures.

*Communication, Resources, Approach, Foundation, Technique