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Happy New Year!

Resolutions, plans, and goals

 We've made it to a whole new year. I am quite surprised that it got here this quickly. I thought I might cover some of my work and personal goals for the next 12 months. Since I have achieved a few of the goals from last year*, this seems like a good time to cover what I am hoping for this year.

What do I hope to achieve this year? That is a good question. I shall proceed to divide the various goals into two categories: personal and professional. 

Personally, I am planning to go to Europe for 2 months in the summer. Therefore, I need to make sure all of my languages are in good working order, so I can communicate without English if necessary. That also means I need to get my affairs in order to be able to travel out and about. I am continuing in my college adventure, I am taking classes, doing my utmost to maintain high grades and I will be starting classes at Oregon State University via their E-Campus program. I am also committed to my friendships, I want to be a more available friend and do some more things socially, as soon as we are able. 

Professionally, I want to improve my teaching skills. I have the goal of being more organized and pre-planned in my schedule. I am also looking to improve my online presence, I find this a bit challenging, as I still don't understand how the whole thing works. I think I need to carve out some time to just create content and then post more frequently. Along with the in person activities, I am continuing to research the history of hair and hairdressing and I want to make more of that available to anyone with an interest.

I think that covers most of what I am looking forward to doing with my life for the next 12 months. I will bring more of the regular content regarding hair in my subsequent posts. 


*Becoming a Matrix Artistic Educator, begin college, price adjustments, work-life balance.