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Una clase de español

I have the opportunity to assist in online class in Spanish. I am pretty excited. I think I am mostly manning the chat, but I am glad I can utilize my skills in both information and español. 

I was offered the chance from my trainer. I have finally been granted access to many of the resources for educators. So I believe I can up my game a bit. This class I am helping with will be a challenge. Mostly for the sake of being able to answer questions in Spanish. Maybe this will be the path I take. Offering classes in Spanish rather than in English. I know that there is a need in the community for adding to the conversation in another language. I might even be able to expand to a more international audience. I am excited to be able to expand my skill set to include a second language. 

Hola me llamo es Tiffany y soy artista en formación con Matrix. Estoy emocionada para compartir nueva información con ustedes. El mantra de Matrix es Piensa, Cree, Sueña, Atrévate. 

I hope this is the first step towards my educational goals. I am very excited for this new endeavor. I look forward to filling you in with more information as I learn new skills.