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Happy Halloween!!

Trick or Treat

It really is the best day of the year, as I noted in my previous post. I thought I would take the time to discuss how fast the year is speeding by. Due to the fact that we have made it to Halloween, we are on the downhill side of this year. More holidays, more activity, prepping for a new year, it's all happening so quickly.

The end of the year is fast upon us. I will be going for some in person training next weekend. Maybe I will be able to add "educator" to my resume soon. I am excited to be able to finally participate in person. This is the great treat that I am happy to be a part of. I will have to don my costume of professional teacher. It is cool that I have the opportunity. 

The trick part of this whole year is how fast it has passed. I am not sure I am ready for these last couple of months. It isn't even that long to go. I will be shifting gears a bit starting in January. I am going to be focusing on my travels in the summer, while also looking at what my schooling and educator plans are. I will be certain to keep all updated as I discover my schedule and goals. 

I am not sure that this is the kind of information one might expect from a blog, but it's here and it's all true. I will keep things current as time scoots on.