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Getting more educated

Another day, another new thing to learn and do. I am on the way to the Matrix Synergy online event. It is taking the place of the in person Matrix Destination events. This means that I will get two solid days of education, plus access to the classes after the event. It is super amazing! Gives me the opportunity to "attend" all of the classes I want, not having to make the decision of which class is the most important in any time slot.

This whole online event situation is very new, obviously, but it is making learning so much easier. Connecting with people who inspire you, learning all of the new and latest and greatest, polishing up skillsets, etc. This is the second best way to do a hair show. I suppose the biggest plus is that I don't have to travel anywhere for the show, but that also means that I don't get to plan a vacation around a hair show. I am determined to attend every thing I can , so that when we can travel, I will have a better point to work from.

Especially in meeting people globally that I can make connections with.. I find that it can be a little easier to meet people on the internet these days, because people of like mind tend to be at the same events. I am hoping that one day I will be able to meet my new friends in person. I hold out hope that we will meet. And then we can exchange all of the tips and tricks we've picked up along the way.

I will be posting a wrap up after the event next week. I hope to have many exciting things to tell you.