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New ideas, new adventures

I have been really looking over what it is I want with my career. I believe I have come up with the answer. I really want to teach and learn.

Does that mean I give up working behind the chair? Not necessarily, but I think I would like to create a more education rich career with behind the chair as a smaller portion of my career. For the time being I do not have the ability to give up the time spent behind the chair. I am working on my wonderful clients to create what it is they are looking for. I am happy to do that, but I have been having some thoughts about what I mainly want to do. I find I am the most content while learning and teaching.

How do I make my career focus education? By continuing my journey to be a Matrix Artistic Educator. By continuing researching my book. By actually writing my book. Perhaps, I will go to college. The idea is swimming about my brain, what better way to get involved in learning than to pay for it? I would like a PhD, but I haven't settled on a topic of study. With all of those things, I need to find a balance that favors education while still being available for those that need my skills in the salon.

Keep an eye out for the latest developments. I plan to be making moves to create the perfect balance between hairdressing and education through the coming year. I will be sharing how the journey is continuing. Maybe I will even give a taster of the book.