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What is going on?

I have, once more, been very occupied with activities. I am renewing my resolve to continue to write this blog more regularly. So, what's happening?

First on the list is my trip to Houston to participate in a training for Matrix. It was so much fun, I met a number of people that I have followed online and it was just like a family reunion. I even had a moment of being a "fan girl". George Papanikolas is a stylist I admire very much. He was in attendance and I took my little self over and told him how excited I was to meet him and that he was there for the weekend. It was amazing. I even got a lot of support for my forays into the Spanish side of education. One of the educators, Robert Santana, was on stage doing a demonstration when, after asking a question, he looked over and said, "I see Tiffany right there and I want to take a quick moment for an aside. Tiffany is going to be teaching for us in Spanish." That was such a gratifying moment. 

Speaking of teaching in Spanish, I recently presented my first class online in Spanish. It wasn't well attended, but I was still able to practice my skillset. I think I need more practice in creating the slideshows, transitioning from one camera to another, and reading the comments. All things being accounted for, it was awesome. Now I know that I can do that thing. I just remind myself that everyone that is attending is my friend, they are there because they want to learn what I am teaching. I am getting more opportunities to teach, I think many of my classes will be in español. I am happy to be able to provide this service.

I am very busy in school, so I haven't had much time to work on my book. On the other hand, I am finding more interesting things about the human condition. I am hoping to be able to get back to my book writing in the fall after my vacation. 

At work I am finding that I am getting better with my color skills. I have been trying to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. So far things have been going well. I am determined to continue to expand my repertoire. Also, at work, I am now a partner with Wigs For Kids and am able to help when someone wants to make a donation to the charity. I have already found that there don't seem to be too many partners around the area and I am glad to be of service.

I think that is all of the news for now. Next week I will come up with an amazing new topic and share as I am able.