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All the adventures I have coming up

Many adventures on the horizon. I shall do my best to lay them out in regards to my work.

In the immediate future I will be going to Houston for a Matrix training event. I am pretty excited to be able to go, because the company is covering hotels and food. I only had to pay for flights. How amazing is that? I am looking forward to being able to visit with my friends and fellow Matrix artists, plus learn all of the latest and greatest that is coming from Matrix. 

Shortly after that, I will be presenting a pair of classes online for Matrix. The amazing part about these classes is that they will be in Spanish. I am sure that I can handle it, it is more the technical aspects of producing content online. It will be a live environment and I am still a bit unsure of how to add visuals on the computer. I will figure it out. I am absolutely pleased as punch to be a part of the Matrix español team. It will give me many more opportuites for the expansion of my craft and it's darn fine practice with my Spanish.

An activity I am doing to be able to give back is that I have joined the Wigs For Kids ambassador program. Which means that I will be listed as a salon where one can go to donate their hair. I will be offering 50% of a cut service, if one is to want to donate. Wigs For Kids says that they are working to help children suffering from hair loss to “look themselves and live their lives.” I think it is a wonderful program and I am glad to be a part of it.

Although, this particular activity isn't directly related to my work behind the chair, I am starting to pursue my degree in anthropology. I am looking forward to the time when I can be even more knowledgable about the history of hair and hairdressing. There are so many interesting things I am hoping to discover, there will definitely be some books, written by yours truly, in the future. At some point you can call me Dr. Tiffany Hallmark, doesn't that sound nice?

I hope these next steps are setting me on my path to whatever it is I want to be when I grow up. I look forward to seeing what is to come.