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Back to School

...or just starting something new

Ladies and gentlemen, it is official, nearly, I am going to college. I have been giving the idea a lot of thought for quite some time now and it feels right.

I have been getting a bit of feedback on my researching hairdressing history, with a particular focus on the 19th and 20th centuries. There seems to be a dearth of information and a wont to find out. This is the information that you don't get in beauty school.

While studying cosmetology you learn thrilling things like how to cut hair, how to perm, set, color and style hair. You learn about the color wheel, kind of. You learn about the basic chemistry of color and hair care. But you don't learn the history and how the hair industry has evolved, especially in the previous century. It can be difficult to get the information about hairdressing history.

So, I have decided that I will be going to college to focus on anthropology through the lens of hairdressing. This will give me more opportunities to do research and study. I will also be more capable of writing my book on hairdressing history. I feel like this is something the world needs. Maybe I can branch out and study other cultures and see how they have evolved through time. It may take me a little bit of time to make this all come together, but I am excited to be on the journey.