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Another new year

What does 2023 have in store?

I am starting the year off with a bang. Meaning I didn't actually write anything at the very first of the year. That is okay, I will update now. I will continue to work on my consistency about posting.

It is 2023, the world hasn't ended, onward to better things.

I am at a bit of a stagnant point in my career. I have all the work I need and I have attained the title of Artistic Educator with Matrix. Where do I go from here? Let's discuss each part of my professional life.

As for work in the salon, I have created a nice balance between work and recreation. I am currently only working 4 days a week. Although I do leave a little space for schedule adjustments if necessary. I am finding that it is better for me to only work those 4 days, I can recharge properly over the 3 day weekend. It keeps me from getting overwhelmed with work and allows me to also pursue my educator position and still manage to get a day off.

As for my educator position, I am already starting to add dates to my calendar for travel to various salons to teach about Matrix products to stylists. This is the most ideal for me, as I love to educate, but I don't want to work in the beauty school environment. I am not sure that I want to teach people who are just starting in their hairstylist journey. Much better for me to be able to teach those that want to learn and already have a bit of experience under their belts.

I now come to the part of the program where we discuss the taboo subject of my pay. I have given myself a raise to accomodate the current state of the economy. I have chosen to only raise my chemical service prices, to cover those costs. I am doing fine and I hope that each person will understand the necessity of these changes. I only charge what I feel is a mutually agreeable price. I am only paid when I see someone and that affects how much I need to do daily. The great news is, that it isn't that much. I can still do everything I wish to do and provide the best in services to each person in my chair.

There is still some work to do as far as attaining my doctorate in anthropology, due to some little snags in the enrollment process. But I will be there soon enough. I am hopeful that I will be able to get back to it in Spring Term. Then I can continue researching hairdressing history for a purpose, rather than just for fun. I do that quite often.

Here is to a magnificent new year and more interesting activities to experience.