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Taking time...

To take care of me

I hadn't given the idea of taking care of me to better take care of my clients much consideration. However, after my vacation, I realize that I need to be in my best mental shape to be able to serve my clients well.

It has been a very long time catering to the "whims" of my clientele. I would work whenever they needed me and not respect my own needs of time off for recharging and refocusing on the work that I love. I even started resenting my clients ask for more pieces of my "off time". It doesn't make things very comfortable to be upset that you are seeing someone during a time that one has previously labeled as time off. In fact it makes my career not so fun. I was grinding away at making sure that everyone else was cared for and their hair needs attended to, but not taking care of me. I also chose to add teaching engagements on my days that I wasn't at the salon, which led to not actually getting any days off at all.

With all of that said, I have begun to take more time for self-care. I have chosen to take 3 days off per week. I am absolutely certain that I can complete all of the tasks that are required of me, for my clients, in the four days that I am choosing to be in the salon. I am still willing to add in the occasional appointment on one of my off days, due to having more leeway in my recharge days. This will only happen by contacting me directly and I can make the decision if I have the energy to accomodate a client's need in that category.

I am also choosing to be more discriminating in my teaching schedule. I must allow myself time off. This is another area that I need to be in tip-top shape mentally to be able to best serve the students and stylists in their education. This is very important to me. I am determined to only give my best to the community and that means being well rested and ready for all of the things.

I am looking forward to being able to better be able to take care of everyone in the ways that they deserve. I can hardly wait to see the positive effects of taking care of myself and, thereby, taking care of each one of my esteemed clients.