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My friend, Tristan

Connecting online

I have written about my friend Tristan before, but I thought I would take a moment to revisit what it he provides to the hair community.

I found Tristan's YouTube channel a while back after it was suggested to me on my "For You" page. His uploads aren't flashy, they don't have any music or sound, they are simply slide shows of old publications from the hair industry. He scans the magazines and books and then uploads the scans to the interent. He has pictures from the Victorian Era on to the present. Seeing the way things used to be done and what was popular in any given time period is absolutely fascinating.

Aside from providing these publications for public view on YouTube, he also has a Facebook page. The page is a nice way to view the pictures at your leisure. Or stay with an image for longer than is shown on the YouTube slideshows.

I enjoy being able to detect the decade by the styles, before I look at when the pictures were first published. I make sure to comment as often as possible on every one of his uploads. I don't always get to, but I definitely make sure to "like" every video. This is how we developed a friendship. Not many people take the time to comment. We have exchanged comments in the comment section. I have also sent him emails when I have questions about specific things with hairstyling and such in the past. He will write back and share what information he has. He even helped me find information about Miss Ingerid, when I had exhausted all of the avenues that I could search. I like that the internet has made this possible.

If you are looking for some interesting pictures and some how-tos, Tristan is the man to see. If you watch the videos, take a moment to read the caption that he provides. There are wonderful moments of humanity in some of them. Also make sure to leave a comment and let him know that Tiffany sent you. I think he deserves to get a little love for what he provides.