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My favorite thing

specifically about my job

I would like to take a moment to talk about my most favorite part of my job. Amazingly, it has nothing to do with hair, or at least very little to do with hair.

The absolute best part of my job is how much I can help other people. In some cases with creating a look that they want, but in other cases just helping them as a good ear to listen.

I am not even certain how much I am able to help, but there are plenty of life events that I have been there for. Gently guiding my clients through the rough patches in their lives. Celebrating the big wins. Helping them see how awesome they are. Sharing in the big things and delighting in the small. Giving them somewhere to vent if they need it. I feel incredibly privileged to be able to be in the position I am in. I have found that I am friends with most of my clients and friendly with the rest. I don't have a single person I don't want to see. All of them make my day every time I come in to work.

I am not the "best" hairdresser in the world, but I do hope that I am competent enough to give each person exactly what they want. And a sympathetic ear. My job may be technically unnecessary to be a healthy person, but it is vitally necessary to feel good. Which the value of mental health cannot be understated. It is an honor to work with each and every one of my clients. Thank you, truly, for having me as your hairdresser.