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Happy (belated) New Year!

Setting expectations

I am very late to the new year party. I have been so remiss making things happen on the online part of my business, I feel like I am due to return focus to such things.

I did get settled in my new salon environment. I am very happy to be there. The only downside to that whole situation is that there is only a staircase to get up to the salon and nothing to accomodate anyone with mobility challenges. The environment in the salon is super tranquil and I feel so comfortable being there, I hope that it shows when I am working with any one of my clients.

I have been working consistently for the past few months to really improve my skillset and my service quality. I like providing a service that shows how much I value my clients. The only thing that I am missing is some retail. I am currently in the process of restocking my shelves and adding the kinds of products that would best support my work for everyone at home. Not to push product on anyone, but rather to have it available.

I am also going to work on my online presence, but I am not as interested in the social media scene. I still have my Instagram account (@coiffeuseextraordinaire) and I will continue to post, but it will mostly be the before and afters. I am not interested in making Reels or complicated videos. I would rather focus on my craft. I will do my best to keep posting photos of my work. I am going to work on creating interesting blog posts. It feels daunting, due to a seeming lack of interest in the subject matter. I know it's a bit niche with hair related content.

It is a new year, same me, I am happy to have the career that I do and I will continue to share about that career and things surrounding. I shall attempt to make this a regular activity to post on the blog. I may not do a weekly post, but, perhaps, bi-weekly. I will keep things going for as long as I can.

I look forward to sharing new things as they come up. Have a fabulous new year!